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Part Number : 3195923

Part Name : HYDOADVANCED30/208LT

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SKU: 3195923 Category:


Compatible Models

D3K/D4C/D4D/D4G/D4K/D5K/D5H/D5M/D5N/D5H/D6D/D6M/D6N/D6H/D6M/D6N/D6K/D6R//D7G/D7F/D7H/D7R/D8R/D8K/D8N/D9N/D9G/D9R/304E/305/306E2/307D/308D/312D2/313D/314D/315D/318D2/320B/320C/320D/320D2/320NGH/322BL/323D/325C/325D/326D2/329D/330B/330C/330D/336D/336D2/345D/349D/365C/374FL/390DL/390FL/416B/416D/416E/ 416F/428C/428E/428F/CS533E/CS533D/CS563C/CS533D/CB14B/CW34/CB7/AP655F/AP355F/AP655D/120H/120G/140H/ 140K/140G/14M3/16G/16M3/773E/777D/773D/772G/740B/773B/935/938F/966C/966H/950F/950GC/980C/990H/992G

Characteristics HYDO
Advanced 30
HYDO Advanced 30 Advantages
SAE Viscosity Grade 30 Better wear protection, wider operating temperature range
cSt @ 40?C (ASTM D445)
cSt @ 100?C (ASTM D445)
Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270)
Viscosity after Shear 2????? (cSt, during use) 10.6
4 Ball (40kg/30min/600rpm/93?C ASTM D4172) 0.30 mm
Pour Point, ?C (ASTM D97) -24
Brookfield Viscosity @ -20?C (ASTM D2983) mPaS 13,600
Zinc, % wt. (ASTM D4951) typical 0.090
Copper Strip Corrosion3 (3 hr, ASTM D130) 1A @ 150?C Corrosion protection
Rust Protection (ASTM D665B) Pass
Oxidation stability, hours (ASTM D943) >5,000 Longer drain interval; lower owning and operating costs
Long Drain Interval, confirmed by field testing Yes
Filterability, Wet, E DIN ISO 13357-1 Pass Reduced filter plugging; improves contamination control due to better filtration
Foam Test 4
Seq. 1 ml. (ASTM D892)
Seq. 2 ml. (ASTM D892)
Seq. 3 ml. (ASTM D892)
Reduces foaming
Cleanliness No interference with optical particle counters Accurate contamination control
Ability to keep water in emulsion Yes Sludge control and water damage prevention

1 The values shown are typical values and should not be used as quality control parameters to either accept or
reject product. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
2 Oils that contain viscosity modifier additives will become thinner during use in this machine. This will reduce
protection level.
3 1A is better than 1B, 1A at 150? C is better than 1A at 100? C.
4 New oil, as received, with 0.1% water by volume added.